The review process
We are pleased to invite you to present your work at the symposium I3S 2022, which will be held from the 20th to the 22th of June 2022 in Saint-Malo, France.
Deadline for oral communication submission: 1st of November 2021.
Deadline for poster submission: 28th of march 2022
- All abstracts must be submitted on-line, not later than 1st of November 2021.
- Abstracts sent by fax or post mail will not be accepted.
- The author who submits the abstract will receive by email a confirmation of submission, including an assigned abstract number. This abstract number has to be mentioned in all correspondence.
- Abstracts should contain sufficient data in accordance with the scope of the symposium. If not, the abstracts may be rejected.
- The Scientific Committee will take every care in compiling the abstracts but accept no responsibility for errors or omissions.
- The abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the symposium I3S 2022. The Scientific Committee attributes the abstracts to the specific sessions.
- The corresponding person will be notified about the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of the abstract, and regarding the type of presentation that has been assigned (oral communication / poster).
- An abstract book will be edited for the symposium I3S2022.
- The abstracts will be published only if one of the authors is registered to the symposium.
- The authors presenting oral communications or posters must register after the notification of confirmation. The presenting author will have to pay his/her registration fee, otherwise the abstract will not be published in the abstract book and the author will not be allowed to present his/her oral communication or poster.
Abstract book
Go to / your personnal account :
The updated abstracts have to be dropped off before the 17th of April 2022.
Oral Presentation
You will have 10 mn for your presentation and 5 minutes for questions.
The Powerpoint presentation must be in 16/9 format.
All the posters will be displayed during the three days of the symposium in the poster room.
The authors have to bring their posters.
The size of the posters is A0, length 841mm X high: 1189 mm maximum.
The attachment system will be provided by the organization.